green city

green countryside

the architecture

the pubs

the language

the street entertainment

beer gardens on a sunny day

a country of people who love to walk


kissing gates and stiles

dugs, and the people who love them

working dugs

Highland coos

sheep who let us walk through their pastures

the wildlife (red deer)

the Highlands

Isle of Skye

Isle of Skye

Isle of Skye

the cemeteries (even if there's no longer a full church standing)

a people who have such a fierce pride in their heritage that they keep tradition alive

the castles

heart-wrenchingly beautiful ruined cathedrals

poignant picnic spots

an enduring sense of history

heroes (statue of William Wallace)

a no-nonsense sense of orderliness

a very graphic sense of safety

a fantastic sense of humor

great television - this is the real-life set of one of our favorite shows, Monarch of the Glen

a love of literature - a monument to Sir Walter Scott

Old Town Edinburgh

shockingly beautiful Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh

Scottish ingenuity

the warm people

a warm coal fire in an out-of-the-way inn
These pictures along with your captions bring tears to my eyes…I can’t wait to go back and see more!
Keep working on it! I’m sure it will happen.