In the car, on our drive into County Tipperary, we were debating which we should visit first: the Rock of Cashel or the Glen of Aherlow. We may not be able to fit both into our day, so which was the higher priority? As we approached Cashel, we decided we would let location be our guide. Rock of Cashel it was!
We rounded a curve in the road. The Rock (stay tuned for a future broadcast) loomed high on the horizon and the clouds pulled back to reveal the sun after two of the longest, wettest, windiest, chilliest, dreariest days I have experienced since, hmm, Oregon in December.
🎶 Ahhh-AHHH! 🎶 Were those angels singing? Obviously, we had made the right decision.
We came across this sculpture at the Rock’s visitor center. I know just how they feel!
What are the chances you had a Sister Fidelma Mystery novel on your TBR pile? Oh that sculpture!
I had to look up Sister Fidelma. OMG! Why didn’t you tell me about these novels??? This is right up my alley. Like the Matthew Shardlake novels I read before we went to the UK. I added the first one in the series to my Goodreads list. Thank you! Met an American woman in Cork yesterday who loves to read as much as we do. My Irish lit list is growing….
So…. Is it a “long way to Tipperary” ?
Haha! Can’t tell you how many times that song has run through my head in the last few days!